
We are here for you on your
healthcare Journey

With Healtinfinit's AWP, wellness specialists can now build a collaborative ecosystem of wellness specialist for each of their clients based on individual client needs.

Healthinfinit's Augmented Wellness platform is first of its kind robust enterprise grade SAAS technology platform designed exclusively for wellness specialists like counsellors, dieticians, physical trainers etc. They can collaborate laterally with their peers and vertically with medical specialists to provide comprehensive care to their clients and scale up their Wellness offerings .

Healthinfinit's AWP suite gives full operational control to wellness specialists who can now leverage healthinfinits curated Wellness referral Network (WRN)

Our AWP suite gives the wellness specialist the advantage to Enhance continuous client care and loyalty and achieve best possible wellness outcomes.

The key benefits of our programs are
  • Improve client care by providing comprehensive and scalable wellness solutions
  • Enhance client loyalty and retention
  • Select the best specialist from our wellcare referral network
  • Provide comprehensive multi disclipinary wellness and on-demand medical care
  • Increase operational efficiency

Augment Wellness Platform’s Features

  • With Healthinfinit's powerful yet flexible cloud based AWP suite, you can now have a customized wellness frontage to your wellness programs or offerings, complete with your custom branding and identification. Your clients can now access your wellness platform from your official website, blog site or any web-platform Platform. The CWF can now be used for client registration, consent management, appointment booking and more.
  • Wellness partners can now leverage the power of Healthinfinit's cloud powered wellness solutions to build and scale up their own wellness brand globally without having to worry about delivery and manpower. Healthinfinit's SAAS platform takes care of it all. Now focus on your wellness brand building and let Healthinfinit's AWP do the heavy lifting for you.
  • As wellness partners you can now build your own team of wellness specialist as per your need or business goals.
  • Healthinfinit's AWP suite offers all relevant analytics, and provides actionable intelligence on your programs efficiency.
  • With Healthinfinit's Wellness referral Network (WRN) you can enhance client care by adding medical specialists to any client on a need basis. You can now share and access relevant medical records and take specialists medical opinions at a touch of a button for your clients via our curated specialist medical network. All our systems are HIPAA compliant with state of art data security.
  • We understand that the needs of our wellness partners are diverse and different. So we help you create wellness offerings that addresses your organization’s goals and objectives through a wide array of customization and configuration options across all solutions.

Expand your practice and build your team today!

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